Dražen Katunarić studied Philosophy at Strasbourg University. He composed prose, poetry, and essays. His works have been translated into English, French, German, Spanish, Slovenian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Corsican, and Italian. He has received several awards, including the literary award "Naji Naaman" (Lebanon 2004) and the literary award of Steiermärkische Sparkasse (2009). He was named a Knight of Literature (Chevalier de la littérature et de l'art) by the French Ministry of Culture.
for Lucumone
The Age is a small fossil animal that lives in the darkness of the jar, hung on a rope like a pail of water, by its skin, shape, at the same time similar to a crocodile, a lizard and a turtle. It hangs motionless. Food and light are harmful to it, it tastes somewhat funny in November and December, for the whole year. It shows itself to the world when people find it in the jug themselves, raise the lid by pure coincidence and look into the bottom. Only the Age itself mostly knows about itself.
As it ages it is convenient to it to be more and more seldom uncovered by curious people and as soon it feels light on its rough skin the Age bristles in the dry well: - People, do not lift me on the rope! I am not down there! There are only a few untouched words!
But they, being courious, lift her nevertheless because the Age comes with years. Playing with words, they are tickled by the idea that they will see something unreal, rough, poor and sorrowful, even if they cause pain to the animal. And the Age in the light is the same as the Age in the dark. The same. Only the words have remained on the bottom, the holy ones.
Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek
I stay in the sea longer and longer. In its innocence
It is warm right until sunset when the west
grows red and swallows go crazy with joy: they overtake
the heavens. I stay in the sea longer and longer to enjoy
every wave as sweet as sliced courgettes in
olive oil, sprinkled with parsley, garlic and
sweet basil. I stay in the sea longer and longer to look forward to
the foamy stroke and to the incidental trace;
shall I, with my own eyes, find memory on
the clear sand, on the leaves at the bottom: in every shadow
there are some layers of a dream. I stay longer and longer
in the sea, watching purple female swimmers on
cracked limestone, seagulls with slanted foreheads, with fish across
their beaks, painted gates on the shimmering, reddish
surface. I stay in the sea longer and longer, alluring
the sunset, in my ears there squeals the echo of joyful days and
cheering: I listen to my own man! I stay longer
and longer, until the dark, in the sea.
Translated by Evald Flisar
your brothers run
in the land of Chronos
their steps numbered
shadows combined
they play games for themselves
in seclusion with no words
check out the messages
and run again
your brothers wish to know
neither joy or nor sorrow
love nor hatred
they run without much effort
of taut muscles
in even movements
their steps numbered
your brothers went deaf
to spoken words
they unwind the earphones
surprised faces
nod the head
in troubles of silence
your brothers run
check out the messages
and run again
in the land of Chronos
with a light knapsack
of piled contempt
your brothers run
not touching hips with elbows
taciturn, serious, absent
with a crown of callous glory
their steps numbered
shadows elongated
Translated by Graham McMaster
On the island I saw three hundred goats
and thirty billy-goats,
a wonder of sheep,
for thousand bent sheep
and hundreds of lively rams.
Eighty she-asses and ten doleful donkeys
seven hundred thirty five horses,
two gallopping, their mules
two hundred and forty-six.
Herd upon herd, limitless.
But not one shepherd.
With a donkey I found myself face to face,
we confronted each other in the darkness of the stable.
After the vision I sang:
I watch your island, God unknown
before your work with my eyes
I watch your red earth
the work wounded stalks,
the work of your fists and nails.
You don't have to be ashamed of anything.
Not of cemeteries, landslides, skeletons,
Useless gall-nuts.
Not of barren fig-trees inside a stone enclosure.
Not of cripples made kings.
Not of bones that spring up
from under the soil and sing praise to God.
Not of donkeys who look straight in the eye
alone with people, alone with you.
Translated by Evald Flisar
You don't know me, my dear, not even when I hold your hand. Caressing your frozen fingers. The waiter caught us at it when he brought us red wine from sheer excitement.
You don't know me, my dear, nor the old woman alone at the table because no one cares for her, except other old women who will come,
only later,
later...to play cards.
Can anyone kiss the way we can, knees touching? The waiter?
Would anyone pity the old women, or want them passionately?
The waiter?
If I spilled red wine on the floor, you would let go of my hand, feeling unloved.
You don't know me, my dear, but maybe even the old women sense
that I love you, since they are so lively at cards, and the waiter dances
carrying a platter of wine, which means he believes in our love,
only you, you don't believe me, my dear,
you have been unloved for too long,
for a very long time.
Translated by Evald Flisar
I do not know from where
the tramontana blows
from the left or right
to flicker in the ears
... the answer my friend
is blowing in the wind...
lean on my shoulder
listen to the summer's music
the birds are close
nesting around the bell tower
in Lodeve
and fly around it
below the heart strikes the hours
dreams of the impossible
do you hear that old melody
in the air
...che colpa ne ho
se il cuore e uno zingaro e va
in summer 2010
I met a gipsy man
in a black shirt
a white mark on his head
many women cried
and shamefaced men
when he played upon the accordion
... catene non ha, il cuore è uno zingaro e va.
the heart is cloying
seven times sugared with almond
you will not clean it
unless you paste your fingers
twixt do and fa
for the heart it's not enough
to snatch the hours passed
it wants to steep them in vanilla
consign them to oblivion
...e si fermerà chissà...
...e si fermerà chissà...
Translated by Graham McMaster
Everything I see in the world is not immediately a word. And before it became a word, the wolf was an offender, a flayer of skin. That is where my restlessness comes from. Ever since I was small, they have been scaring me that I would meet a wolf. Today I met it and forgot what its name was, the wolf. And I wanted to pronounce this word at least to myself. In case it devours me, to get to know the killer.
The excitement grows as soon as it approaches me. Syllables multiply too quickly, look for each other’s end, stand on its tail and then jump over to its snout and then everything starts spinning in the brain and it misses.
I admit I cannot rest in the wolf’s glance, the snout opposite me convulses, teeth shine, seek in me the outcome of their longing. How to escape from the disproportion of wildness, hairs, the game of the muscles, probably bloody, and the unspoken words in my stomach? Well, the stomach is the only thing we have in common, our inside, the charm of filling and disappearance, our mother.
At that moment I don’t stammer, I say something to myself about nature and it bothers me that I also have to say something to the wolf. But his eyes already rumble and deprive my speech of sense. The snapping of the wolf’s teeth on an empty mouth interrupts my sentence half way through, inhabits it with a hiatus between the words, as if everything ought to be recommenced in the numb beat of the dark.
Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek
Skiing, distant to nature, I wanted to take her mystery. To me,
she was only a passable, trodden place for the passage of feet.
But only in a fall does one recognize what the body is and what the soul is. Only
in a fall was I ready to turn to nature, once when I
sunk my hands and feet into the snow.
Everything changed, suddenly, forever at once: a silent,
threatening silence took over. The white cover in the silence of the boughs,
everything solemn.
A few meters away from me, a wolf appeared.
He descended onto my slope and set off to the valley. I saw the beast
carelessly dipping its paws into the snow and leaving its image.
All the whiteness, every tree, bark and silence belonged to it.
Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek
I have risen from the great mountain dust!
I was running and screaming: - I met a wolf, I met a wolf!
I didn’t hide my nature, or the beast a short time ago.
Green in the wood. In the snow.
A coniferous tree shook off its dust.
Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek
Abba – Father, adopt me as a son. I have met a wolf in the forest. I feel like a sheep with a broken spirit. Who will defeat even smaller beasts, when their Snouts are aimed at the moon. At You. He longs for me more than an illusion, more than any woman. He is evil that wants to devour. He is standing in front of me with stiff legs; with hair standing erect; eyes full of hatred; with open jaws; with canine teeth slobbery and showing; everything is wicked, ugly and horribly evil. Father, the wolf is transforming me. If you can do something, give him communion. Approach him, say a word, but silently, be unselfish, devour him with goodness. Turn him into numb and unpronounceable adoration.
Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek
An animal notes a completely different world.
In the pupils of a beast or of a madman a strange lake spills over.
Disassociated, never associable, innocent and beastly, there is no glance
or thoughts, no looking inside.
It is almost a wasteland. Untouched emptiness, dull,
tearing emptiness that cries for fulfillment like in a temple,
or for plying with a boat from one point to an imagined island, on the way
from the top of a cactus to a plateau, from undergrowth to a grove or to a clearing.
When you meet a madman, this is again not the same as meeting a wolf,
a madwoman or a she-wolf,
because you ought to meet both her and him, from the left and from the right,
right in the pupils, fill out this emptiness that torments us ceaselessly,
only it.
Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek
May nobody bore me anymore, because I carry
wolf’s bites on my face!
Only now do I understand how happy I could have been at the time
when the beast hadn’t jumped at me.
I could mourn the others’ graves, jump to heaven
I could catch giant purple butterflies.
I could enumerate everything.
It was easy to live before the wolf.
Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek
He’s a strange man, angry in the morning, drowsy, he gets up on his barbed
feet, he will not talk even to God, but as soon as he starts the roller he
gets livelier at once because he knows that something nice is waiting
for him, long sandy paths and untrodden flying surfaces, waving and scattered,
that lead into the distance, a wonderful walk under the open sky and timid
Aeolian soil, are waiting for him, this infinity which he leans on with all his
Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek
Nobody anywhere.
The sea dances around the island
and dissolves its loneliness
(with its light, shallow foam into the cracks).
If a rare donkey passes during the day,
that is good!
If a field laborer passes
riding on it,
that is also good!
Even if a donkey does not pass!
Even if nothing passes!
It is all the same to me, whoever comes.
Wind. The moon. A stone-cutter.
A Venetian administrator.
Be it a man or a fish,
a reflection or a breath,
a color or a carob,
a dry or a rude word,
it is the same!
Be it a wave or laughter in the vines
be it darkness or a snake in the bora
Be it a cricket in the wood, a lonely finger or a grape-vine
Be it a silent, more silent or yet more silent voice,
it is the same!
And loneliness again.
Translated by Miljenko Kovačićek
Kritična masa raspisuje novi natječaj književne nagrade "Kritična masa" za mlade autorice i autore (do 35 godina).
Ovo je osmo izdanje nagrade koja pruža pregled mlađe prozne scene (širi i uži izbor) i promovira nova prozna imena.
Prva nagrada iznosi 700 eura (bruto iznos) i dodjeljuje se uz plaketu.
U konkurenciju ulaze svi dosad neobjavljeni oblici proznih priloga (kratka priča, odlomci iz većih formi, prozne crtice). Osim prozne fikcije, prihvatljivi su i dokumentarni prozni tekstovi te dnevničke forme koji posjeduju književnu dimenziju.
Prethodnih su godina nagradu dobili Ana Rajković, Jelena Zlatar, Marina Gudelj, Mira Petrović, Filip Rutić, Eva Simčić i Ana Predan.
Krajnji rok za slanje prijava je 10.12.2024.
Pravo sudjelovanja imaju autorice i autori rođeni od 10.12.1989. nadalje.
Robert Aralica (Šibenik, 1997.) studij hrvatskoga i engleskoga jezika i književnosti završava 2020. godine na Filozofskom fakultetu Sveučilišta u Splitu. U slobodno vrijeme bavi se pisanjem proze i produkcijom elektroničke glazbe. Svoje literarne radove objavljivao je u studentskim časopisima Humanist i The Split Mind. 2022. kriminalističkom pričom Natkrovlje od čempresa osvojio je prvo mjesto na natječaju Kristalna pepeljara. Trenutno je zaposlen u II. i V. splitskoj gimnaziji kao nastavnik hrvatskoga jezika.
Iva Esterajher (Ljubljana, 1988.) živi i radi u Zagrebu. Diplomirala je politologiju na Fakultetu političkih znanosti. Aktivno se bavi likovnom umjetnošću (crtanje, slikarstvo, grafički rad), fotografijom, kreativnim pisanjem te pisanjem filmskih i glazbenih recenzija. Kratke priče i poezija objavljene su joj u književnim časopisima i na portalima (Urbani vračevi, UBIQ, Astronaut, Strane, NEMA, Afirmator) te je sudjelovala na nekoliko književnih natječaja i manifestacija (Večernji list, Arteist, FantaSTikon, Pamela festival i dr.).
Nikola Pavičić (Zagreb, 2004.) živi u Svetoj Nedelji. Pohađa Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Piše, napose poeziju i lirsku prozu, te sa svojim tekstovima nastoji sudjelovati u literarnim natječajima i časopisima. U slobodno vrijeme voli proučavati književnost i povijest te učiti jezike.
Luca Kozina (Split, 1990.) piše prozu, poeziju i književne kritike. Dobitnica je nagrade Prozak u sklopu koje je 2021. objavljena zbirka priča Važno je imati hobi. Zbirka je ušla u uži izbor nagrade Edo Budiša. Dobitnica je nagrada za poeziju Mak Dizdar i Pisanje na Tanane izdavačke kuće Kontrast u kategoriji Priroda. Dobitnica je nagrade Ulaznica za poeziju. Od 2016. piše književne kritike za portal Booksu. Članica je splitske udruge Pisci za pisce. Zajedno s Ružicom Gašperov i Sarom Kopeczky autorica je knjige Priručnica - od ideje do priče (2023).
Ana Predan (Pula, 1996.) odrasla je u Vodnjanu. U šestoj godini počinje svirati violinu, a u šesnaestoj pjevati jazz. Po završetku srednje škole seli u Ljubljanu gdje studira međunarodne odnose, a onda u Trst gdje upisuje jazz pjevanje pri tršćanskom konzervatoriju na kojem je diplomirala ove godine s temom radništva u glazbi Istre. U toku studiranja putuje u Estoniju gdje godinu dana provodi na Erasmus+ studentskoj razmjeni. Tada sudjeluje na mnogo vrijednih i važnih projekata, i radi s umjetnicima i prijateljima, a počinje se i odmicati od jazza, te otkriva eksperimentalnu i improviziranu glazbu, te se počinje zanimati za druge, vizualne medije, osobito film. Trenutno živi u Puli, gdje piše za Radio Rojc i predaje violinu u Glazbenoj školi Ivana Matetića-Ronjgova. Piše oduvijek i često, najčešće sebi.
Eva Simčić (Rijeka, 1990.) do sada je kraću prozu objavljivala na stranicama Gradske knjižnice Rijeka, na blogu i Facebook stranici Čovjek-Časopis, Reviji Razpotja i na stranici Air Beletrina. Trenutno živi i radi u Oslu gdje dovršava doktorat iz postjugoslavenske književnosti i kulture.
Jyrki K. Ihalainen (r. 1957.) finski je pisac, prevoditelj i izdavač. Od 1978. Ihalainen je objavio 34 zbirke poezije na finskom, engleskom i danskom. Njegova prva zbirka poezije, Flesh & Night , objavljena u Christianiji 1978. JK Ihalainen posjeduje izdavačku kuću Palladium Kirjat u sklopu koje sam izrađuje svoje knjige od početka do kraja: piše ih ili prevodi, djeluje kao njihov izdavač, tiska ih u svojoj tiskari u Siuronkoskom i vodi njihovu prodaju. Ihalainenova djela ilustrirali su poznati umjetnici, uključujući Williama S. Burroughsa , Outi Heiskanen i Maritu Liulia. Ihalainen je dobio niz uglednih nagrada u Finskoj: Nuoren Voiman Liito 1995., nagradu za umjetnost Pirkanmaa 1998., nagradu Eino Leino 2010. Od 2003. Ihalainen je umjetnički direktor Anniki Poetry Festivala koji se odvija u Tampereu. Ihalainenova najnovija zbirka pjesama je "Sytykkei", objavljena 2016 . Bavi se i izvođenjem poezije; bio je, između ostalog, gost na albumu Loppuasukas finskog rap izvođača Asa 2008., gdje izvodi tekst pjesme "Alkuasukas".
Maja Marchig (Rijeka, 1973.) živi u Zagrebu gdje radi kao računovođa. Piše poeziju i kratke priče. Polaznica je više radionica pisanja poezije i proze. Objavljivala je u brojnim časopisima u regiji kao što su Strane, Fantom slobode, Tema i Poezija. Članica literarne organizacije ZLO. Nekoliko puta je bila finalistica hrvatskih i regionalnih književnih natječaja (Natječaja za kratku priču FEKPa 2015., Međunarodnog konkursa za kratku priču “Vranac” 2015., Nagrade Post scriptum za književnost na društvenim mrežama 2019. i 2020. godine). Njena kratka priča “Terapija” osvojila je drugu nagradu na natječaju KROMOmetaFORA2020. 2022. godine objavila je zbirku pjesama Spavajte u čarapama uz potporu za poticanje književnog stvaralaštva Ministarstva kulture i medija Republike Hrvatske u biblioteci Poezija Hrvatskog društva pisaca.
Juha Kulmala (r. 1962.) finski je pjesnik koji živi u Turkuu. Njegova zbirka "Pompeijin iloiset päivät" ("Veseli dani Pompeja") dobila je nacionalnu pjesničku nagradu Dancing Bear 2014. koju dodjeljuje finska javna radiotelevizija Yle. A njegova zbirka "Emme ole dodo" ("Mi nismo Dodo") nagrađena je nacionalnom nagradom Jarkko Laine 2011. Kulmalina poezija ukorijenjena je u beatu, nadrealizmu i ekspresionizmu i često se koristi uvrnutim, lakonskim humorom. Pjesme su mu prevedene na više jezika. Nastupao je na mnogim festivalima i klubovima, npr. u Engleskoj, Njemačkoj, Rusiji, Estoniji i Turskoj, ponekad s glazbenicima ili drugim umjetnicima. Također je predsjednik festivala Tjedan poezije u Turkuu.