Lora Tomaš holds a bachelors degree in Indology and English Studies from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. She earned her masters degree in Gender Studies from Central European University. Tomaš co-edited and co-translated two anthologies of modern Indian short prose and poetry- Popodnevni pljuskovi: izbor iz indijskog ženskog pisanja (2011) (Afternoon Showers: a selection of Indian women's writing) and Lotosi od neona: indijski autori o gradovima i drugim ljubavima (2017) (Neon Lotuses: Indian authors on cities and other loves). An early version of her first novel, Slani mrak (2020) (Salty Darkness), was a finalist for the V.B.Z. award for the best unpublished novel of 2019 and later she added her short story Prozor s pogledom (A Window With a View), also a finalist for a European award, to the novel. Her debut novel Slani mrak (2020) (Salty Darkness) earned her the 2020 Slavic award given by the Society of Croatian Writers.
Tomaš lived in Southeast Asia for several years, working as a journalist and literary critic for local publications. She now lives in Zagreb and works as a literary translator and a language teacher.
Read an excerpt from Tomaš's novel, Salty Darkness, in the link below.
Translation by Mirna Čubranić.
Ana Brnardić was born in 1980 in Zagreb. She holds a Master’s degree in the Croatian Language and Literature and Comparative Literature from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb. She also earned a Master’s degree in Music, specifically for the violin, from the Music Academy in Zagreb. She has published five collections of poetry: Pisaljka nekog mudraca (1998) (Some Sage’s Pen), Valcer zmija (2005) (Waltzing Snakes), Postanak ptica (2009) (Genesis of Birds), Uzbrdo (2015) (Uphill) and Vuk i Breza (2019) (A Wolf and a Birch). Her poetry has been translated into fifteen languages and included in various anthologies, literary magazines and web portals. Brnardić has won several prestigious regional poetry awards for her work including the Goran’s Spring Award and the Slavić and Kvirin Award for Young Poets. She participates in various poetry festivals and online poetry platforms such as Versopolis, writes book reviews and also translates Romanian literature into Croatian. Brnardić lives and works in Zagreb.
Read Brnardić’s poem The Other Sister in the link below.
Translation by Chelsea Sanders.
Karmela Špoljarić was born in Zagreb in 1967. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Croatian Studies and Yugoslavian Philology from the University of Zagreb. She also holds a master’s degree in the Scientific Study of Literature from the University of Zagreb. She writes prose and theater scripts. She has published the teen drama Nula kuna po minuti (2011) (Zero kunas per minute), which won the Marin Držić award. Her novel Nije ovo Twin Peaks (2014) (This Isn’t Twin Peaks) won the DHK Slavić award. She has also published a collection of short stories Pazi što ćeš poželjeti (2013) (Be Careful What You Wish For), the novel Major Tom (2014) and the novel Rašomon (2019) (Rashomon). Her short stories have been published in various literary magazines. Another of Špoljarić’s passions is creating and running tailored creative writing workshops. She splits her time between Zagreb and the island of Krk.
As Dubravka Šćukanec writes in her review of the novel “The novel Rashomon is a bitter story about many of us, those of us who whine about the past, who ask ourselves at which station the train of life took a turn towards wastelands and bleakness, about those of us who seek causes and blame in other people and events which marked us with life’s misery.” (Šćukanec, Dubravka, 4.6.2021, GKR Magazin).
Read an excerpt from Špoljarić’s most recent novel Rashomon below.
Translation by Mirna Čubranić.
Tomica Šćavina was born in 1975 in Vodice. She holds a Psychology degree from the University of Zabreb. She has published two books which are compilations of her psychology columns: Unutarnji kompas (2009) (Internal Compass) and Koordinate sreće (2012) (Coordinates of Happiness). Her first novel Brod za Lajku (2011) (A Boat for Lajka) was shortlisted for the VBZ award for the best unpublished novel of the year. Her second novel, Povratak genija (2013) (The Return of Genius), won the SFera award for the best science fiction novel. Her most recent novel is Soba na dnu mora (2019) (A Room at the Bottom of the Sea). She has also published poetry in various regional literary magazines. In addition, Šćavina has written five documentary radio plays for Croatian Radio, which earned her a European Union award. Alongside her fiction writing and psychology columns, Šćavina has led numerous creative workshops and workshops dedicated to personal growth for children and adults.
Šćavina’s novel, A Room at the Bottom of the Sea, introduces us to Giana as she begins her new life as a cruise ship waitress, naïve to the dog-eat-dog conditions of her new workplace and haunted by her past of coming of age during the war in Croatia. Read a passage below.
Translation by Ellen Elias-Bursac.
Nenad Stipanić was born in Senj in 1973, but has spent most of his life in Zagreb. His short stories have been published in numerous reputable regional literary magazines as well as various anthologies. He has published several collections of short stories: Sprinteri u labirintu (2005) (Sprinters in a Labyrinth), Odlično je baviti se kriminalom (2008) (It’s Great to Be a Criminal). Stipanić has also published several novels including Izbacivači Majke Božje (2012) (The Mother of God Bouncers) and Stvarno je odlično baviti se kriminalom (2015) (It’s Really Great to Be a Criminal). He won the Ministry of Culture Prize for the Best Literary Achievement in 2012 with his novel The Mother of God Bouncers and his novel It’s Really Great to Be a Criminal received the Balkan Noir Prize for the Best Croatian Criminal Novel in 2015. His latest novel Bogovi neona (2019) (Neon Gods) was a finalist for the Croatian Tportal Literary Award as well as the European Union Literature Prize.
Stipanić has worked various jobs throughout his life including all types of manual labor, ticket sales, tourist guide, bouncer in Croatian clubs and abroad, bodyguard, the owner of an art gallery and used book store, scriptwriter etc. He now devotes most of his time to his literary career. He currently lives in Berlin.
Read a passage below from Stipanić’s latest novel, Neon Gods, which the legendary editor Kruno Lokotar described as “…one of the most radical experiments in Croatian literature and an attempt to introduce the genre of bizarre fiction with elements of bizzare freaktion into the local literary scene…” (Lokotar, Kruno, 2019.6, Moderna vremena, https://mvinfo.hr/knjiga/12892/bogovi-neona).
Translation by Vesna Marić.
Ante Zlatko Stolica was born (1985) and raised in Split. He holds degrees in Croatian Language and Literature and Philosophy. He has written several short documentaries, film scripts and a collection of short stories Blizina svega (2020) (Close to Everything). He is a co-screenwriter for the film Kratki izlet (2017) (A Short Excursion), which won the Zlatna arena award for the best film of the year.
Stolica’s eclectic stories deal mostly with the young protagonists’ ventures into the adult world of work and the string of dead-end jobs they are faced with, set in his hometown of Split.
Read some stories from Stolica’s book Close to Everything below.
Translation by Marta Huber.
Jasna Jasna Žmak was born in 1984 in Pula. She earned her bachelor’s degree in Dramaturgy from the Academy of Dramatic Art (University of Zagreb). She then went on to complete a PhD in Literature, Applied Arts, Film and Culture at the University of Zagreb. Žmak has published a book of essays One stvari: eseji o ženskoj seksualnosti (2020) (Dirty Words: Essays on Female Sexuality, a book of prose Moja ti (2015) (My Dear You), two theater scripts Samice (2011) (Solitary Confinements) and Drugi sočasno (2012) (Others Simultaneously), one picture book Pisma na kraju šume (2018) (Letters at the End of the Forest), one scientific study, and countless short stories and critical essays. Žmak currently works as an assistant professor at the Academy of Dramatic Art (University of Zagreb).
Read an excerpt from Žmak's book of prose, My Dear You, in the link below.
Translation by Samantha Farmer.
Damir Karakaš was born and raised in a rural, impoverished village in the mountainous region of Lika in 1967. The rough, folksy surroundings of his childhood are often present in his work and are viewed through a critical lens. He studied Agronomy, Law and Journalism in Zagreb and worked for several years as a journalist. Karakaš is a prolific writer and his many publications include the travelogue Bosanci su dobri ljudi (1999) (Bosnians Are Good People), the novel Kombetari (2000), the novel Kino Lika (2001) (Lika Cinema), the novel Kako sam ušao u Europu (2004) (How I Entered Europe), the short story collection Eskimi (2007) (Eskimos), the novel Sjano mjesto za nesreću (2009) (A Fantastic Spot for an Accident), the play Skoro nikad ne zaključavamo (2009) (We Hardly Ever Lock Up), the collection of short stories Pukovnik Beethoven (2012) (Colonel Beethoven), the play Snajper (2013) (Sniper), the novel Blue Moon (2014), the novel Sjećanje Šume (2016) (The Remembering Forest), the novel Proslava (2019) (The Celebration), and his latest novel Okretište (2021).
Read Karakaš’s poignant, dark short story about returning to one’s childhood home as an adult and the weight of being confronted with emotions that were thought to have been left safely in the past.
Read his short story It’s Me in the link below.
Translation by Stephen M. Dickey.
Jonathan Bousfield delivers a real gift with his overview of the best Croatian literature that was translated into English in 2021.
Bekim Sejranović (1972-2020) was born in Brčko, Bosnia and Hercegovina. He also lived and studied in Rijeka, Croatia and moved to Oslo, Norway in 1993 where he earned his master’s degree in South Slavic Languages and Literature from the University of Oslo. Sejranović is the author of a collection of short stories and five novels. His novel Nigdje, niotkuda (2008) (Nowhere, From Nowhere) won the prestigious Meša Selimović award in 2009.
Sejranović’s writing often centered around questions of identity and nomadism, perhaps mirroring his own life: a child of divorce, he was raised primarily by his grandparents, grew up in a town splintered by the war, spent his young adulthood in wartime Croatia and finally reached Norway as a refugee in 1993, where he had security and official status, but not necessarily a home.
Darko Šeparović was born in 1987 in Vela Luka on the island of Korčula. Although he holds a degree in Architecture from the University of Zagreb, today he is mostly involved in writing poetry and prose. He has also published literary reviews and interviews in a number of regional literary magazines. His publications include the collection of poetry Autopilot (2015) and the novels Krvotok (2018) (Bloodstream) and Pristanište (2020) (The Pier). Šeparović’s works have been translated into English, Greek, Slovenian and German.
Read an excerpt from his latest novel, Pristanište (The Pier) below.
Translation by Rachael Daum.
Ivana Bodrožić’s novel We Trade Our Night for Someone Else’s Day was recognized as one of the Best International Crime Novels of 2021 by the American cultural website CrimeReads.
Valent Pavlić was born in 1985. He grew up in Zagreb and graduated from the University of Zagreb with a degree in French Language and Literature and Art History. He has published two collections of short stories Evanesco (2016) and Prepreke. Prečaci. (2019) (Obstacles. Shortcuts).
Pavlić’s unique and unsettling tale about a man who embarks on chosen isolation from others will resonate even more for readers who have lived through two pandemic years.
Read an excerpt from Pavlić’s debut novel, Evanesco, below.
Translation by Mirna Čubranić.
The French translation of Jurica Pavčić's Crvena Voda (Red Water) snagged the 2021 Grand Prix de Litterature Policiere, France's esteemed award for the best international crime novel.
Crvena Voda was translated into the French by Olivier Lannuzel.
Read a review of Ivana Bodrožić’s bombshell of a novel We Trade Our Night for Someone Else’s Day, translated by Ellen Elias-Bursać.
Six of Krleža's books have been translated into French: The Burial at Theresienburg (short stories, Editions de Minuit, translated by Antun Polanšćak, preface by Leon-Pierre Quint, Paris, 1956.), The Return of Philip Latinovicz (novel, edited by Calman-Lévy, translated by Mila Đorđević and Ciara Malraux, Paris, 1957.], The Banquet in Blithuania (novel, edited by Calman-Lévy, translated by Mauricette Beguitch, Paris, 1964.), I’m not Playing Anymore (novel, Edition de Seuil, translated by Janine Matillon, Paris, 1969.], Mars, Croatian God (short stories, Edition Calman-Lévy, translated by Janine Matillon and Antun Polanšćak, Paris, 1971.), The Ballads of Petritsa Kerempuh (Edition: Presses orientales de France, translated by Janine Matillon). All these books were well received. We give here some extracts from criticisms (Maurice Nadeau, Léon Pierre Quint, Claude Roy, Marcel Schneider, Robert Bréchon, Jean Bloch-Michel and others) who provide various insights into Krleža`s work.
The article was originally published in Most/The Bridge literary review (number 3-4, 1979).
Miro Gavran is a prolific Croatian playwright and novelist whose work is celebrated both at home and abroad. His plays and novels have been translated into 40 different languages, and his scripts have been used in over 300 plays worldwide. The eponymous festival Gavranfest, consisting of a week of exclusively Gavran’s plays, is held annually in Croatia, Slovakia, Poland and the Czech Republic.
Gavran was born in Gornja Trnava in 1961. He holds a degree in Theater from the Academy of Theater, Film and Television in Zagreb. In the early 1980s, he worked as a theater director for then prestigious Zagreb theater, Theater &TD. He has made his living exclusively as a writer and playwright since 1993. Gavran has penned more than forty plays as well as ten novels. He has won twenty awards in Croatia and abroad for his work, including the prestigious Central European Time Prize, which recognizes Central European authors for their entire opus. He is an associate member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and is a member of the Russian Academy of Literature.
In his novel, Kafka’s friend, Gavran explores and speculates what one of history’s most famous friendships of equals and opposites must have been like: that of contemplative, reserved and brooding Franz Kafka and his more open friend, also a writer, Max Brod, who as the executor of Kafka’s estate, famously published Kafka’s work against his wishes.
Read an excerpt from Gavran’s novel, Kafka’s Friend, in the link below.
Translation by Nina H. Kay-Antoljak.
Marina Vujčić, born in 1966 in Trogir, is a writer, columnist and editor. Vujčić holds a degree in Croatian Language and Literature from the University of Zagreb. She’s published Bijeg uz Brijeg (2002), Tuđi život (2010) (Someone Else’s Life), A onda je Božo krenuo ispočetka (2014) (And then Božo Started from the Beginning), Umri ženski (2014), Mogla sam to biti ja (2015) (It Could Have Been Me), Susjed (2015) (Neighbor), Otpusno pismo (2016) (Letter of Discharge), Pitanje anatomije (2017) (The Anatomy Issue). Her novel, Neighbor, won the VBZ and Tisak Media award for Best Unpublished Novel in 2015. She lives and works in Zagreb.
Vujčić’s novel begins with an unusual request: a widower places an ad in the paper looking for someone to scratch his back and his ad is cautiously answered by a woman looking to make some extra money. This is the starting point Vujčić uses to explore the boundaries of human relations in a post-modern urban society where people are increasingly alienated from one another, and many peoples’ lives and relationships are defined by a series of contractual agreements.
Read an excerpt from Vujčić’s novel, The Anatomy Issue, in the link below.
Translation by Mirna Čubranić.
Tanja Mravak, born in Split in 1974, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Education and a Master’s degree in Defectology. She works as a teacher in a Center for Autism in Split, is a regular columnist for the daily Croatian newspaper, Jutarnji List, and has written two collections of short stories to great acclaim. Her debut collection of short stories, Moramo razgovarati (2010) (We Have to Talk) won the prestigious Jutarnji list award for best fictional book of the year. She has most recently published a new collection of short stories Naša Žena (2017) (Our Woman).
Mravak’s stories often reveal the less glamorous side of her native Dalmatian culture, not found in the abundant tourist brochures and blogs devoted to the beauty of the historical towns that dot the Adriatic Sea. She often likes to probe what is beneath the surface of everyday interactions, what is left unspoken. Her short story Meat revolves around an unusual romance which will have you questioning even the most ordinary interactions between men and women and especially the roles women tend to be cast into.
Read Mravak’s short story, Meat, below.
Translation by Antonija Primorac.
Several fascinating and socially critical novels by Montenegrin authors over the last decade give us a peek into Montenegro’s political underbelly, revealing its still precarious position between Eastern and Western spheres of influence.
“Butchers” (Mesari), a collection of poems by Drago Glamuzina, won the Vladimir Nazor Book of the Year Award and the Kvirin Prize for the Best Book of Poetry in Croatia, and was translated into German, Macedonian and Slovene.
Glamuzina was born in Vrgorac in 1967. His publications include Mesari (Butchers, poetry, 2001), Tri (Three, a novel, 2008), Je li to sve (Is That All, poetry, 2009), Everest (poetry, 2016)...
“Love and jealousy through a clash of one body against another become the origins of speaking about life and the world in general. Glamuzina’s act of switching the idyllic love couple with a dramatic love triangle ignites the lyrical narration that spreads in different directions. (…) His “butchers” often cut at the most sensitive spots.” (K. Bagić)
Croatia is a small, charming country known today as a prime European tourist destination. However, it has a complicated often turbulent history and is seemingly always destined to be at the crossroads of empires, religions and worldviews, with its current identity and culture incorporating elements from its former Communist, Slavic, Austrian-Hungarian, Catholic, Mediterranean, and European traditions.
Dubravka Ugrešić is one of the most internationally recognizable writers from Croatia, but she has a contentious relationship with her home country, having gone into self-exile in the early 90s. Her recently translated collection of essays, The Age of Skin, touches on topics of of exile and displacement, among others. Read a review of Ugrešić’s latest work of non-fiction, expertly translated by Ellen Elias-Bursac, in the link below .
Vlaho Bukovac (1855-1922) is arguably Croatia's most renowned painter. Born in the south in Cavtat, he spent some of his most impressionable teenage years in New York with his uncle and his first career was as a sailor, but he soon gave that up due to injury. He went on to receive an education in the fine arts in Paris and began his artistic career there. He lived at various times in New York, San Francisco, Peru, Paris, Cavtat, Zagreb and Prague. His painting style could be classified as Impressionism which incorporated various techniques such as pointilism.
An exhibition dedicated to the works of Vlaho Bukovac will be running in Klovićevi dvori Gallery in Gornji Grad, Zagreb through May 22nd, 2022.
Read a review of Neva Lukić's collection of short stories, Endless Endings, recently translated into English, in World Literature Today.
Zagreb has its fair share of graffiti, often startling passersby when it pops up on say a crumbling fortress wall in the historical center of the city. Along with some well-known street murals are the legendary street artists themselves. Check out the article below for a definitive guide to Zagreb's best street art.
The colorful, eclectic and much beloved Croatian children's cartoon Professor Balthazar was created by Zlatko Grgić and produced from the late 1960s through the 1970s. Now newer generations will be able to enjoy the Professor's magic, whether they speak Croatian or English.
Robert Prosinečki's long and fabled football career includes winning third place in the 1998 World Cup as part of the Croatian national team, stints in Real Madrid and FC Barcelona as well as managerial roles for the Croatian national team, Red Star Belgrade, the Azerbaijani national team and the Bosnian Hercegovinian national team.
Croatian publishing house Sandorf launched their American branch called Sandorf Passage earlier this year.
From strange tales of mysterious murders to suspected criminals hiding out to scams, duels and gambling, Opatija, a favourite seaside escape for Central Europeans at the turn of the last century, routinely filled Austrian headlines and the public's imagination in the early 20th century.
Hailed as the father of 20th century Croatian children's literature, Grigor Vitez (1911-1966) is well known and loved in his homeland. With a new English translation of one of his classic tales AntonTon (AntunTun in Croatian), children around the world can now experience the author's delightful depiction of the strong-minded and silly AntonTon. The Grigor Vitez Award is an annual prize given to the best Croatian children's book of the year.
Have an overabundance of free time, thanks to the pandemic and lockdowns? Yearning to travel but unable to do so safely? Discover the rhythm of life and thought in multiple Eastern European countries through exciting new literature translated into English. From war-torn Ukraine to tales from Gulag inmates to the search for identity by Eastern Europeans driven away from their home countries because of the economic or political situations but still drawn back to their cultural hearths, this list offers many new worlds to explore.
Explore TimeOut's gallery of fascinating and at times thought-provoking art in the great open air gallery of the streets of Zagreb.
Partied too hard last night? Drop by Zagreb's Hangover Museum to feel more normal. People share their craziest hangover stories and visitors can even try on beer goggles to experience how the world looks like through drunken eyes.
How will the futuristic world of 2060 look? How far will technology have advanced, and how will those advancements affect how we live our everyday lives? These are the questions the Zagreb-based magazine Globus asked in a series of articles in 1960, when conceptualizing what advancements society would make 40 years in the future, the then far-off year of 2000. The articles used fantastical predictions about the future to highlight the technological advancements already made by the then socialist Yugoslavia. Take a trip with guide, Jonathan Bousfield, back to the future as envisioned by journalists in 1960s Yugoslavia.
What’s the best way for an open-minded foreigner to get straight to the heart of another culture and get a feel for what makes people tick? Don’t just sample the local food and drink and see the major sights, perk up your ears and listen. There’s nothing that gives away the local flavor of a culture more than the common phrases people use, especially ones that have no direct translation.
Check out a quirky list of untranslatable Croatian phrases from Croatian cultural guide extraordinaire, Andrea Pisac, in the link below:
Just got out of a serious relationship and don't know what to do with all those keepsakes and mementos of your former loved one? The very popular and probably most unique museum in Zagreb, the Museum of Broken Relationships, dedicated to preserving keepsakes alongside the diverse stories of relationships gone wrong, will gladly take them. Find out how the museum got started and take an in-depth look at some of its quirkiest pieces in the link below.
Zagreb is Croatia’s relaxed, charming and pedestrian-friendly capital. Check out Time Out’s definitive Zagreb guide for a diverse set of options of what to explore in the city from unusual museums to legendary flea markets and everything in between.
Diocletian’s Palace is the main attraction in Split, the heart and soul of the city. Because of the palace, Split’s city center can be described as a living museum and it draws in the thousands of tourists that visit the city annually. But how much do we really know about the palace’s namesake who built it, the last ruler of a receding empire? Jonathan Bousfield contends that history only gives us a partial answer.
Cities have served as sources of inspiration, frustration, and discovery for millennia. The subject of sonnets, stories, plays, the power centers of entire cultures, hotbeds of innovation, and the cause of wars, cities are mainstays of the present and the future with millions more people flocking to them every year.
Let the poet, Zagreb native Tomica Bajsić, take you on a lyrical tour of the city. Walk the streets conjured by his graceful words and take in the gentle beauty of the Zagreb of his childhood memories and present day observation.
Dolac, the main city market, is a Zagreb institution. Selling all the fresh ingredients you need to whip up a fabulous dinner, from fruits and vegetables to fish, meat and homemade cheese and sausages, the sellers come from all over Croatia. Positioned right above the main square, the colorful market is a beacon of a simpler way of life and is just as bustling as it was a century ago.
Do you find phrases and sayings give personality and flair to a language? Have you ever pondered how the culture and history of a place shape the common phrases? Check out some common sayings in Croatian with their literal translations and actual meanings below.
Discover Croatia’s rich archaeological secrets, from the well known ancient Roman city of Salona near Split or the Neanderthal museum in Krapina to the often overlooked Andautonia Archaeological Park, just outside of Zagreb, which boasts the excavated ruins of a Roman town or the oldest continuously inhabited town in Europe, Vinkovci.
A little know fact is that Croatia, together with Spain, have the most cultural and historical heritage under the protection of UNESCO, and Croatia has the highest number of UNESCO intangible goods of any European country.
The National Theater in Zagreb, Croatia’s capital, is one of those things which always finds its way to every visitor’s busy schedule.
So you're visiting Zagreb and are curious about it's underground art scene? Check out this guide to Zagreb's street art and explore all the best graffiti artists' work for yourself on your next walk through the city.
Numerous festivals, shows and exhibitions are held annually in Zagreb. Search our what's on guide to arts & entertainment.